The &
Doc Wenz:
Flo Schlechtriemen:
Javier de la Poza:
Simon Seeleuther:
vocals, guitars
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10 years after leaving the quirkily wicked independent brass band "Mardi Gras.BB" Doc Wenz has been working on his new band setup, mostly at home, mostly at night, in order to embark on another musical journey. This time accompanied by a relatively minimalistic set of instruments and a commendably matured collection of songs.The sounds have a dusty patina, traditional singer-songwriting, always a little pensive, a little romantic - hence the name. One is reminded of Zander Schloss and Howie Gelb, but there are also traces of Memphis soul and Phil Spector-like ballads.There's always a full moon and every now and then a dog howls. Simply beautiful... When Night Falls Video abspielen Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Link kopieren Link kopiert Not Anymore Video abspielen Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Link kopieren Link kopiert Tourdaten 16.09.2023 - Hoffest, Rauenheim 31.08.2023 -Alte Feuerwache, Mannheim 30.08.2024 - Brückenaward, Mannheim 20.09.2024 - Lotte Lindenberg, Frankfurt 26.10.2024 - TresOhr-Sessions, Oberhausen 17.01.2025 - Theater Oliv, Mannheim 27.02.2025 - Kazzwoo, Mannheim The EPs Vol. I Sugar, Sugar When Night Falls In Times Of Trouble Not Anymore Click bandcamp button to listen and purchase The EPs Vol. II Rock’n’Roll She’s Gone Summer Flake Forever Click bandcamp button to listen and purchase The EPs Vol. III So Lonely I Could Die I Wonder Truth Gum Last Hooray Click bandcamp button to listen and purchase The EPs Vol. I-III Doc Wenz & The Melancholics New Album (LP) „The EPs Vol. I-III“ Vinyl only! watch out! Press-Kit Technical Rider Pressestimmen Fotos Band-Info Address B5, 17 Mannheim Email Doc Wenz & The Melancholics Connect Jochen Wenz Legally prescribed in accordance with data / Gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Angaben gemaess § 6 Abs.1 MdStV/TDG Offerer / Anbieter: Jochen Wenz Email: Responsible for the organization of this site / Verantwortlich fuer die Gestaltung dieser Seite i.S.v. § 6 MdStV: Javier de la Poza & Jochen Wenz Email: 1. COPYRIGHT All Doc Wenz & The Melancholics images are copyright protected.Image use is subject to the issuance and payment of an image use licensing agreement. All images contain a digital watermark and creator ID. Digimarc Corporation tracks these images on the web and compiles usage reports for Javier de la Poza. All rights reserved. No form of reproduction, including copying or saving of digital image files, or the alteration or manipulation of said image files, is authorized unless accompanied by a written sales agreement issued by Javier de la Poza. 2. 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